Activity, I'll Sta&-Of A14-c 3.4 AS r,00.rl ag pO. osible i@m clit@ll I)orin to a-0c;cmb'tc, review c..,id 2 acolmilate tho avai-lablo rclt-Linr,- tO the culttxc and soci,-a strucLiii.Ifil of t im@ol)Lo to provide iL-, irltli the necess ac!@t,,rourid 3.n Iuiowlo2;!-e r4F dgalin@,, the ti allor ith -,4ion -vz6 shnll works 'I'le shpl-'L try to iden- ti@@j 'Uhc,-,o sbclal 0"% @@ci cultiil,al In'ttorni wldrh arn boinf, u-lvl2izod by eo;,-LMILTII!@ts and i-4iich reurese-nt their strongtit. W idcntic,-f tlio-.0 forces wliicli are beinr comba tod by tlity, Comuni3to a,icl ;-Alicli roprovent their potential wea In order to do this we need acceeii to rll.l role,,,an't irlf olT,,,ziti-on oil Uicoo su2bjccti3 possec-sed ljy the A[-ciicy incluclJ-nF, the -or- vices of @xoiiledgcabla srx-cialla'us. '114'e also :Lite@,id to di-air upon other sourcce of infoi-nation c;uch a.,j cultur;il a2ntliro- poi fLario3,2Wailnw-id aattx@R9@,oglqal otu(I,y r-;,6upg C-F wid thg- 2 rsolis speciaj. 1,,-ncAT- vixtuo ol' bictli, rusidohce or c o ol ex-rcrienco. e avo access to and s!in-11 exploit 2qci.cnt.@r,'U- 3 ijitel-c- sted in tlioti(3 field3, rcrio of @giom have worked in:our Dcpartment In the past. '@Ic chill uco tlic-,-i or full participaiito as r2oqttlxcd. '@le slL-ill- expand our contacts inlo eve.r-,r ficld ,TIiiali repro@-,aiits a pot4C,-itial of informtion purtinent to our needs. 2. As 4hi3 -,ncorratlon In aso.L-iLlat(,, b- r s I af f i t wi2l ',)a used ao a basj.s for a gencr,-il unclerot;mi(iiiir-, of t@i-- attitudec.Ltgila@-ic -t( c,,, o t oltio. ,ralur-o nrid Totlvatl.CL-lo co2@-mon lo tll p,@tt , rn, 7-COU'P of I -I [,TIM p(@,ol)le mid tlicrefcro -lo co.,,on to tiic, Ccri(-r2. 13 iliai @,o sliall -@tu, i-ndivitlurLIly. cul ial stl,ucl,uzo Ari-U '@,-e a continilina -'-ut ts -lo poydholocical 2 ose will be U "ISE)Cs r;i:icii t of in(.Livi Ir. ardcl- to offec't-, tllis r-@@tiv!tYs ill,, un,jertice all overt Stud 5 or the t,oc p,-ccts of CLL-oa3o iii a (;roup of "displac a L70tip wilicli is conoi&md Agi to bo "Under strces" bee -se (C pet--sciit -iituat.l.on ruid t,ieroforo reprosciilo a lcCIt,.Liato Croiip fo,- opoli st,,i(ty I)y 2 sciaiitists mornally intcrc,,it(,,d in t'tic relation life -hia proje--Lcd rtucly of alic situatim and disease# I woulri I)a c,,on3i(lcrcd a not-ntl r(,-.toarcl-i activity on ou.4p"arP*- re in pi@e-sently uii(loriiny ti Stildy or a (TOUP of Cralitn. 1-.'e w.Lll sulnit a l@'ill of Particul,,tro 2 -co",Pt, A-C'ency Lho Fte(ju:Lre-ionts for rclcctiiir sucli inliv- L I )r iduals Lo -itud. 6 l,'o will re@ii-iixe holg @n 2loc,,,t-@ ic.ns -inrl ,iiU rely on L'?e ser-lices oC tlio pi. or, As tlcao --e available., and as a pnrb cf ')a int--rv-i2ewliig ddjxeol thc'3r -,iiU I)a z-1 r-.d to coolx rate in otn a 'stir,-,iont proc of their "inontl-l ,.nd plW%,3ical Ilealth" and 'Ulie afrect le.)icll ul-.0-Ir C-%-Pcrir-,nces ham harl ii;@on "U'ic,.m. Ih.Ls irj-ll :Ln-,iol-.,c a ilur.@-or of i-n-t-onsivla pay,-,hiatrlc intcrvi--tm and t)io application of psy- 2 chological aid physical tontu. 4. 1rm this ourvey iie hope to ldent.:Lfy somc, af,ent cnrdidates oC._ -y hi-h potential. Ihose I.,.cr2oono @i-Ill be f,-l a rti@nit ilto in @Lu-,,tl)cr activ-itloo of tf Jn order to enal@-e tilorl to do DO) OL, tlicri Will 1<-,@ sho,.-t "f2ello-,@ihips'@ providin;T a bettor Incow tlim that iiiicli tde' sub- Icct!i wem receivin,-; '@--licy will be -Xt;lcd to rc,.,.Col-n dittice co-.n- sistont with their obil I 2Uics Lnd tralnin-, --nd wi-U I-,c trotted witli dlf;aityj rcopect tti-O klnclly understa@-icliiir,. At t-,@o tiare 'ier intongivc 2 tim, tl-uy wUl be as!co,,l to participate in filrtl d interv' -iirl ps cliolo,-I=l tests. lhcy wl-U also 'co ex@c-sp, to tc3ting and "stroos prodt,,cin-" sit,,L-ttion!j LoL'h 1--n the L,,-bor- abot-y and in life*' 'I'lio efc(,ct of t!i'is will f)o -to uncover,' tlicir r,,croonl-!11-ty patt2erns, r@-Ist conditioning aiid rreocn'@, i!,,oti- -7ations and provitle its witli @in incllcation of tlii-,I.r probable ftitare perfo,.-iaiice in v,!@riotii sitiiitioni. Ilir-ou[,2)i tllis inlonsivc t-estl-ig -vie irjal develop a tliorout!,Ii oC our @,ubjccts aid liol-c to Eiiil roiic -crson,,,,, wlio by viittic of I'@llicir back-l-ouncl ard co2iidit--'Loiiing liave tli(., r-ornoilali'y aiid cliLi@-,Lictor of t7,ood IliL)I- level lon- r.!lico aCcrit3 (sce ilclk-liv-ity -@i-id t,@io ,@l'-Io CCLI be 2 L, if t ('@C t_ to find t))o pialosophy and pracli _d C("s of t@@ stroncly opposcd to cor-c of their bisib.dri7v-3c@mq 2 z@nd motiliations. I-lo wL-Ll fiL-tl,--r cxt,,e,,id tlio pci-I.od of ip to sucli subjccto -rd i4ill utili--,c the rrL@io(13 2 and infr)rmation clc,,r(,,lop@od uji(ler act.iv-1 @Y @'3 ((i.v. ) 'to Plpj, uron t4io lmo,.n, forces at woi-1, i-ii-1.1i:Ln tlio-o pcople in ordcr to nalo -Uie'.11 2 boccp'Llivo to rl-cruitrcrit I"@ oul- oi' tlic.-e wil I-,. cnit b%, Arcncy Nrsom-icl not nosoc-L-tted witli tl cut the 4 I 4 -!I a,,I)proach to tlionc 'Stib.)(,cta nn(I tlic,-ir @cuboc'Quent m--na,;c-.icnt as I intall-l-c-nee a@.,rciiLo ii'Lll lie Fiilded.b2y 6ur laim7led-ie oC." f-,acli 'on rfrsonalit,- tind cimro.cter st,. ititli Ftil-I rcco#nition of ILis areas of sunceptibillt, ard 2 We3 tlicrc- fore, e-.q)cct tliat coloc-Lcd Care Officci,E;) ,ilio win bo arsinld to tiip recruitmrnt .vclornontj and rani@,T-i@:nt of agentq pro- 2dL econed t!i7.-oligii this proCrrL-,i., irill pai.,Lici.pate in tli() and ine;t-ruction in t@ic;se mt1ioLls pcrtinent to tlia assi[;nod operatlonal dutici5. 2 t),o ntz; intel-liC@c,.ice aCt, a(lvanttkro of nll of our tccliiilcrl a!id r,.ctlio(is 'll anni.,t tli, 2 s I i in C, -,-n. to iritlirt-.-ind tli--, "interi@ P.Ilfl countc-r cop-tonoi!,O artvi -h tl,ey wi-11 to c-,-rdsed o=e 2t, wf returii to Cor.Tlunist 'kBoo AcLivities P2 and #3). C4)nt-'Lii_Toiit upr)n the amUabil4@t-,'of a cler.Lrci c:taff ,Llid a ScIr"ure o@A -Ldequate facilit T2-;and to initial'-.a the I-ntervicw e-nd usesfrw-@it of -C mididatL,3 and the ticlo--tlon of those for our Tlio initi,-il gux-my of i,-it4ei-vici;s t,-st:@iiL-! !.r.'Lll occupy or-1,7 a Lrcw daya of (,nili ca,,Idid,,tot or O ,i6i&suF,,roy p.-oC-rim will be a ccntiiiuin(-, i--tlvi t@r An s,,,tts.facto-c7cm,tdiclates tro uncovorecl, tlioy fl lniti.@@l "r"cllow-,',, 1- 3" of 3 to 6 months' ur.,itlon; e,-..ton- ad.-C" (I tsionc 2for,3 -Lvo 6 rio-.itli inter,,ralr,. C:-:n(ltdatcb @ilio ',,a-y-o riot cll recrilre@,rohtn s",aud bo rcad-,v for reci7.ilt-icot in in-@@aIU- g(-%-i-a in nontJi2o to 1 -fcar after ihiti.-Il C@:w@act witil tho cti-,,,ity #2 1,@ftccL3 o,C !,.-cnt.3 on -oli-l-,@ FuncLioii!;, 2 titude, 1. Oiir 2,il-cratory at tli 0 alrca(],: :-,at up for f3 on Sucli studleo arr,- belil,, corr,-cd on at thit) Lin 2 pationtn as 3ubjc.,otst All Iz-Li(-nts 1-cf,@iL-rcd to are un-libtillfr of rc,.ll interi@rit on our L- a r Luch pct-L-.@iit-sitbj@.,cts .-ill bo a v,-ii I. otiidi(,s na2de by tie unrlor Ac'uivity 1,1; ar- cli w@al no4l. in-volv-o .0 t@.,? rubj(-,ots. An t,-Lf f -ttrict!yj .,ruid poycl).olo-iL,.qts st,,Yj ncii:,-ot3urfTf,,ois.. pr.,rr hi, Is vvliloblo tuid t( bo ac:?I-iicd to tllooo i@iivosti4-,atiMI3 as soon an socl0ixity cleaz--,Lnce is LwantecL Him 2o Ik-ea,.iso studicg) of 'tll,2 C e 0 dtL,,ia(;c@ etc,) 4 lia7;-e bc,,,@i la:.,k.of O'Q ;Lln,. the -'Cut in'cf-,rati',Ic -functions tlli.- briin as I'TOll ELti ty laclc Of 2clefinib!V,3 Of tcuti",,- tllc'so -1.1ic) VLUCLL- of ti,,o in,701vcd ill tIlou.@',It., bolia,.-ior condtttoning t,,id 2m.7.ory wi].]. I)o tllo M,(, Al rt acti-ii4- OC tllo c V.7 as well to 1-ntc[;r-a pcrt 2 ovort @.,tu(@y,, 1.11 clovelopjjlo f or iiso in tills a , L-lio n, e,@lliods. Ludy we intend to draii upen all L,he open recourccs of ncurolcey ala -pcyc)lolorL:y to 10 I h-ive @illo in raccoxch 'cr ycu,17 2t;c:icn-' SLl of +,]lo Ilir C AL v dto the ta,,: of dcv-@l,:@pirl,:- 2 ir rrct7,.o(lq r@r stuclyin- brain functlon, L) 3. I-,e' iequfre scoeEs to aii of t@@IG acc-..zllj2,ltc(l inf(Tmation of 'le wish to begin to reriew tho tlio Agc,,ic,-y in this fJ.t-lci. pro:;rm. as soon as Po,-, sitae, It. 2I-le V.rc no-4 cattil,ir-, up a 1),-tttc@ry of t,ic., brst of t)le krim;n tcsbing P:rOccd-Ires for ljc;lo hir,,",er br,,.J-n aid m(Irlibcrs of oul, St-2l.,Cf to 1-,Ilc invtlsbif, I ation ,)f I)Crr, z, I '@l bra nO-M, -Ln n 1.!3 witli "3-.cliolo"l ppr-rc, p oil dLeorrler:3 L,.nd var-tous fom,.c, of b:r,,..I.n &'!I r)crsoili un(ler Llio Ir2Lauen--o oL, ope,,ily av.,,ilable dx-uca aXftldt-,-'Ln- I)ra,'Ln fu)iotloli. ly va@iou- brain 'arl!7 "Il,O- 2 -trl,- t(@ritqd in ol,(3.c-r to ced;ires) wUl to einil], c iz, -f in- orf(,-,t itl)o'n l@ aiii 'uncltoil rlnd ijr@-on tlii rul.,Jc-@t's -ioo 1. di u b--',i,-ivior cc-ndi'lonin[;, rir;rooz-i r@zi@l CH-UC a,-o a (-.onciirrt?nt se,-ircli for. antiF3.otc3 q or coluitclr wl4l'L bc con(iucteci. 2 ,udica ijivolve rotentl,71 lirvrrf to t;ifj :3-ttbjci-t,, P-,T>cct A--ill@,,cy to' 2 .1 availablb sul+.a'iile nnj a prop'oz- nltce L'or tic ror- f(imance of --.ear la 2 i i r, r-, f i,,l po 14 ilt J- arIL-er ini @Ll. ap we 1'.Lcs for O'.fc,,Ti3ivo -,-id./or (if-, -:hc.U tent t@cri by labol-a'ot-y (%Xpori,- n',,3 ci(!n.Lf -d to rc z-O(Jiloo 'n U r C f.4 2 t;':e icttial oNra',.ioii' -1 nitii,-ition.,7 ill LI' In desigUnC and exccu@in;! tlieso we e;cr.,'ct to ha,.-o the 2 -y p@, rr3,-,ijitil. 'i,@ irill -also i(lvice arid ase, isttice oT rti,-aif led A c,,,- liolp clcslrn ind in Field trial.'3 of tlicso d' 2 -Lited aboitt @lic f-@iiiL)a:,i(,nt,-a action lo ',IrCIL,-iL k, - iii the -,,e lior-,c to b3 to vdi)able oc 'cli t,:7 otl{@ rcC,-ir@l-ITI@- t,"io of i,c,w dru-s.-mid licit ucos --or 2 id defen:@i'Ve p,.-o,-3cntly druC,7 to tl:o oFferL3ive -src-cts intcUiL;c!nce opc-ratlons,, 6 If ---EMu 'ActivitY -113 C)tlicr factors Affr-r,,tiri- fcliavicrj Ic?ntati ALtItuT,--,, et,,. 'I'hl3 aotivity is primarily cOTICOnAed 1-;i 4'@l t'la problo,-ris 2 or how a rtizn cm I>c made to think, "foal" and I'@oliave accordinrr to the wisl)cs oC otticn n@ nnj and, coiivorselyj ti7,1 a rrl-m c,,in av"O'id I)Cinv, 1-n-Laiienced in t;ilo ri@=or. Tlio r, lmaim prcy.,cuscs by Wiirii tiiis m-ty I-,L- offL4,-.tcd can 1;o divided arl-)It.-axily. @iito I- I t.-iio tateror- l2eot (A) the culturil ajid socip.1 procooses (e,Csj custo,,io, adur-ati6n) riililary ti-ainin-j, parental t@-ainin.7 in clillcuiood) ;.ilii--h operate on rien in rxoups as .-all -,ts s@nfly,, mid (B) th2e .1 procedures'' psycliotlicrnpy, "solos.=-hip.," dopri- ,pccia 0 -Liwe and liypno is) iiiiicli are d.troctcd a-' vationoj coercion) tor 2 individu.-as. 13otli t5,lxs of proceso are p@(,rtincnt to intelli- rence operationsy but tlio "soc:Lal and cultur@,111 procesr;cs ave raore relcvarit to iii(locillrinaticrn and motivation) wiiile tlio itspcel-al proccdvros" are riore relevant to f3ubversiozij seduction and intorrogati on. Tl,c primary mental processes wILicii ta@m place in i-cepon.-la to 2. all of tlicsc rv3tliods of cAliz,.nr,,2Ln- lium,,Ln bcliavi.or arcl prqbably tlio same.-, We plan to assemblep collate and review all tlio pcr- tinont infor7Tntlon rolovant to tlils n-ubj(@ct. Thi6 wLU require a broad consideration of ir=y fkldo c," liumin a,-,tivity on a long tcxtl end ont so As m in;Lti Lea(@. t 0 ucf lit c Jgntn:-, fhi.@'projecto As basic iricoi=tioii 2 i's as3l,-Iilatecl by Olir staffj ,,a oliall (icol[:n mct@l,(xlo and t c o'@ m iquo s of inclcotrina@%lion aPP3.icable to E;t>cclU L-itolll-;cnce problems. Spcclal 2Proccd,,,,res of coneor,,i for int,cllii--(-nce op(,,ra- tioiis ii-M be r-lvici;ccl an(I A.tivcgt-.I.Catc,,I. For this pu--pose im iicod a-.ces3 "-Uo all ACcicy information 2 to mt,icds of rub- v-orsion ii-it-.Lmidatiori and inlx-iro,-,a-'V-ioq lntolli-cnco sei-vicosj inclij@d:LnC, threats, cc@arcion) L-.ipi-isoi-r-i6i-it, isolation 2 (loprivationp hurn:Lliation, tortural llbfaln llbl,,@ck.-psy-" cliiatryp" h@rpnosis and combbiatlons oL' tlicso wit.h or *@itl,.out el-xrLic.-.l agents. 't'le will aescmblop collatcj anol2.,-so -wid ac-riiirii- late this ln@o-,Tntion -tnd -4ill -U-@c-n mlort.-,1,33 experimental irives- ti- ,atioris (lesigi-icd to do-mlop nei tocliniqtlco of offonsive/defen- ilve :Lntellir,,cnce use, Ilio Field Deraoiirtratioa of hypnotic offc:cts now boiiig i;rple- riented is an e.%,i--iple of -n (,,xT)erLneiit,-d iiivcstiration of a "special 6 procedure.'' Its and ptu,pose li.,ts boen set forth in a rwt. apeciric papor. '..'e i;ill actively particip.-ito in:@all plinses or Uils daaonrtration. It 1,9 do's,,-iied to pro-,rixle specific aii@:vmrs 2 to tile folloirinr, quc,,stions in ttic li,7ht-of our picomit lcno-aled-o atyl too@iniqui-,s of hypiioais: i) cmi tile 0 liyp-,iotizod? 2 (2) %iliat perce-ata(,,e o are sitacoptiblo to (3) Hr-, t-t cOr.-PlOLO IS P03t-)IYPTIQtIC VIrUICSia arl(i its dc7, of pernancncy? 2 Wliat is tho offcctlvcner.:j of p,-,ot-*pnotic sueges- tic'n atid its dogroe of pormmency? L -@l bo in:ide to pe-l-forta ncts cont 2 Can an ndl-vidii, rary to his conscious ifill? (6) Can li@,pnoti-c influcnoe be datoctod? (7) Wli,,tt is t)ia offcotlvoncss of cl'.cmical agents in 2 )*Wotic proecduroo? 1-@'a gill',critic-ally exa.,@Jne all (3pt-ij fir-dinrs ,,ind rcqlaj.ta,.,Cf this T)cironstration iii ordor to ar,.,)os3 tlio pro2-nent effccttvc,- neso and dof:L,,io,-iry of li@,priotic procoduros as m a..an3i-ve and/cr defaiisivo :Lntk,,lligenc,-- werpon, Activi2t7 l'OLi-iatioi@., Attititclo@ a!id A(lo.T)LiNre Clp,@citles To i,-plom,,it this Activity we -will th(@,, efL'ccti-,rcrirss oL' nll ps,-cliolo-ical tot3tiii,7 Lid lntertic-,rtn;.- p@:oc--r-lurco-'u,-cd in ttio assc3oricnt of -zn r,.nd tlie3.r futuro p@&;formanco vith Lnpeciml cr,-Vlias Is iiry.2)n their .9.ri,lication to inte@-14-,-ent.-c sci--@iico persoirol. l@:;icro poi3sible IlTo 14M doci -m and devi@lop new procod-Lilres to met oux- requj-rejents. 2 ifor vl,- wi-U. tlicr@cf ore recu Ire access to th,,@ fcrtincrit f:Lla L rition on botil 6ticco@-,sCiLL aiid LCOnts c-2o vm nay -.nalyse t@l,e factors wliic7.i ';iave boon rocl@onsible for ULIO;-- success or @f'c olco I-etluire to i,,ifo=,.ation, wlio@licr in @irency 2filoo@ opri,ational librarlf-,:3 L--,id published rclatia-ir to t'iio tot,-,.l concep-L of -ea o or cotuiLor-L-itelliCencc. '@@ia wi3.1 use 'lil-c mi-t4cri-al for c,,ir opci-ational researcji @ii-4 oril-ntatlon in the subject of espl(7iiii- won Comm 0 ib -T 0-1 L-r T7ni I OJ j -117!q 13-70q -U G a-II 0 pliu (di2i lo,@ quowz)- .1 113 -,Oj Otl I U-) T OAT %, .3C)j LIPOI@IOU LO OcT-tl)-C an (,,L'@)UD'.I'V Otil. Sq O,i Po' -,7)0.1 -LLIUU@Q OR 11 C)a PC;Z)11-ld CqUr.,2JO:T, on ostiod,,z).i ul OVUU JC) Ito-rlo-,I.IqrUT pu-u lloTquqlLlaT@o *0 0 T.TIDU I)Lm !3i@qoliu ci@-..-a-Lqo.T2d o@1j, ,q Oa ic@^, 6,IVUTU!-,)u ptm 33-,)Il:?.TOJ-JO3 ioj iotulo (E) r-)I.I' 631# 2 Poirlul, 'cc l@T PII-L' IIOTIlr,-'-IOTdi al?J -A,)4LI00 UT, 03 D.1 v Iv@f )GM2 UOTIOUnj T[Ift Di,,, Oa ca@Dq-+rvi IT 14'i 1 @iosTAVu -Cea@tioo v dn -iz)s ol o,,-c 2 -P@OLI lin@)r,o u jo o@@l uodn aoj ..T r, 7 -cu-cut T'DIC)L D[2Il UT @U3:3'0 SOUD')T-nOqLTT JO '4 ITtx O'J) -UT puv SUOTInniqc 4,;;)U@J V :DLI IQJ ;Joc)cipu JO 2 IOJ P-ac (caz@poo MO OR 311 oil ptN E;ol,,,4TUI, Ilt)JnL@tni,-oq Ino C> itiot!"OA2ri-idurT Olil GPJ-.I'J' 'i'L-PUTIUOO 'a ,-u POUTC.1(10 13-41IDD-c tIO-@IUUUOJtrT Dtl4 Puv fLr--120-1(1 STI[@ JOI PO Ds T J3111C) TTLU PUIC: OZ;OT 11"@ otl L) 2 c)q D:)-@-Lddu oz-, tIT.-i dn w@,ei-p U- -Drj"u, ob 'uTIO--[Os IOY uDtl@4, U,) 'IT.LCI@tuT p 2 OJ Tlotll 110(11% sT E;-n c)l JO. Puu -1 T LIT T:,T I - I-LI 01 1 TPU 'If Pc)@'uDLID @'c)u D@l-V ai;", T CIT Pu'-