TO 'EliE FILL,'S Oil Tuesdoy, 13 April 195)i, SI and H e-,,perimontatiorNand rcsearc,.Il @@ar@ried on OITI oL- and 2 re in charge@'of the session-.-T'-ww' Work was bet.-troi. i-xitll.'tlie slow @.,etir-,ral indiiction with all hands parti-. cipatiiig and ati effor-t m,@(le to reach as great a dc2!pl]i as possible. A, simple Pil was put i-ii effect. It tilis tit?ie. After-;gLLZIL@Lourb, the Pif al.1 hands wp-re- 'a[,,,ti.ii placed in t tlii 2 a'deep ti,G.iico, state. s 'point subjecLIs hand mid arm by giving ins' produced anestliesia iii e,,-icli uructioii i ijould be 2 s tliat the hands'atid arm of the pprsoi out feeling, lim i.ild wi.tli 2 all )roduce(3 a cori lefe On this test;imogw p aiiestliesia wilich lield aft liey wcre aiialcetiod siiice ins Li-uc tj.oris. iit-re Fiven to th2i.t e.Cfect. A-1.1 oulier slll)i(3cts pi-oduced ;uie-stliesias of different dec;rees which they maintai.Tled after they were ,iwiJcened. Of particular interest in ti-te above wi.3 Llip. fact that wis unable to ilovn- h2cr liaiid or arm at all aft,(-r l@(,iti awakf--ned iihile other subjects could rove ttiei.r aiid liands. :Iiecked the anestliesia by pricking the hands of the various subiec ife Followi2nf.- this, all subjects (except Wwere again placed in a deep tra.iicc state ai-id itisLi,tir-Led ttia 0 l tlir--ir eyes, wliile y p 2 ep sleep state, they irould f ol.1 -i d r, ii a sort still inaiilta.inin@t ow "follow LhE, le,-ider" series of movptiients. 2 after the subjects had opened their eyes, lead the sul.)ject,s tlirouf,-,h var Oils rooms of lluilding 13, performed ntuiicrous.'nonserise movciiieiits sucli as i-iri-tiii(f, oii bl@-icl-,boa 2 rd walking in circles doitier, odd and tinusiio.1 thi))f,s. In this corinecili.oil, .4 PI, rcsponded with Creat seriousness @lid follotred Llie Ica.(I(-r's move,,icli s comp e e 2 .1 id could not reineribp-r -'ri d tii y of the slic Iii.(l goiie tl' h. I?n irouf,, 2 -nl)letely o)i -blie movements but had memory', llowed Li (Toi n 1,7saiii@; le )-lovcri(-@,rits ariti Iiid memory for doi.iig swne 2 owever iiere iiiisuccessful aluliough.slie followed most 0 rhis i.esl a,-@iiii i.-e.ClccUs in r,(,.ner-lil the :1(1,(.i !@ood stil-,,jects t-iill do -ilmost, s(-,ri-oii3ly and i-f propct-lv iti s,,ructeci, i..lli(--rc-,as -c ofteii fail to carry otit i-iis'-.nicti.ons. Ilo p.-irt-,j.culal, weaker subjects wil-I @iitil sifriii.fic;;.nce is at(-,,.icti(-,d to 111-iis best c-4ocpl@ it is l@rlic-vod LlitL ar, ,i ri-tle will ctixry ()ii-L 3 I)cb@ei- Uli,3-ti iiori.,:.;r-,nz3e tcs6s @iti(I uzua.ily good u s.will out perform poor.subjects on any t3rpe test.