To: File subject: SI and R Experimentation, 24 November 1953. '@cperiincitation and On 24 November, 1953, Tuesday, SI and 11 I reqj2% C ui y 2 La@d nc In viow of the fact that I'Lisse. d not previously attended any of the H session@ a had only attended once- PLQ 2 he writ nd sepa roupa assigned Misres 0 ho con- ducted specific*6p'er"atjions iavo 'Lhe po IRB area w iter discussed -the If work with the 2new volunteers (see 14 s report concerning work with the subjects in connection with the polygraph y4i&limla_l_o.@ed The writer then briefed Misse on the very general aspects of the A nd C.-iu cned them 2 in detail regarding the ab@6lute security required in thi3 pro- gram. Thereafter, the writer tested each of the subjects on the 111.@following tests-. 1) falling back, hand levitation, 3) hand clasp. In addition, the writer, at the concl-Lision of these tests, 2 after a number of questions and answers, conducted all three subjects in a Yery-slow relaxina procedure. At this point, since there wag some time 1_%LL, t@e 't t ied a brief eye concentration t r@T, r test wilh both 14iss-@ a- 2 -esponded in a mediocre In all of the above tests, the subject i fashion with some perl'orning better in one tests and others inanother None obtained a ddep state although heavy efforts'i.,ere not made to achieve this end. It should be noted for the record that all sub- 4 jects, expressed considerable interest and asked intelligent questions and stated that they would be available for t.,ork in the future regularly. Woric was not scheduled in view of it being the day before the holiday. 12/2/53 In tion with the work on 24 liovember 19',; tb)' li 11 jects were th.,no other observero-,. Norm c@arts wei-'F" run on iinp2le card.tests were used under hypnosis.,-.Lri Cl s 4was so large and my, feelings were ttia a e-sired no more observers, I was not presen n the poly@F,@r@a'p@ robm where the experimentation-was conductedp and can comment no further 5 on results and opinions. ill probably draw some conclusion after a study.of grapli chart3. fir