- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MEMORANDUM -12 February 1971 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Comments on U.S. Patent 3,523,538 by.Kunio Shimizu The device as detailecl in Figure Z on sheet 1 of the pate-,it appears to be a working system, capable of delivering a non lethal (to normal healthy subjects) 2 shock to the victim. However, there are practical considerations which could seriously degrade the device's effectiveness. It is questionable exactly how far the projectile would travel since any kinetic energy imparted the projectile would be partly expended unwinding the wire from the device against the friction of air and the take up motor. The wire would have to be extremely light and flexible, yet strong. This might result 2in excessive electrical resistance, however. Additional energy from the projectile would be required to overcome the restraining spring tension holding the needle protector in the safe position and to compress the clothing of the victim. Adequate tenacity of the projectile for proper needle insertion does not appear to be insured by the "spearhead- shaped projections" on the projectile's ogive. The spear2s might penetrate and slightly compress the clothing but will not insure that the needles would stay implanted in the victim. To circumvent the possibility that the victim is wearing an overcoat, suit coat, shirt and undershirt', the needles would need to be extended about 2 cm in the protracted position, These long needles, when used on a victim in light attire, would be sufficient to provide lethal penetration or put 9an eye out. The possibility of serious infection from contaminated needles, sk-"n or clothing cannot be overlooked. Sterilizing the needles or coating them with an antiseptic gel,or paste would not preclude the possibility of infection. -7e 77 The bore of the pistol (Figure 1) appears to be about I- 1.,5 cm in diameter. Scaling the'bore diameter to the diameter of the projectile would indicate that the spacing of the needles could be no more than 0. 8- 1. 3 cm. The paralyzing effects on the victim would not extend beyond 1 cm radius from the axis of the needles. Therefore, the effective area of paralysis would 2resemble an elliptic paraboloid with the approximate dimensions of depth 3 cm, major axis 2. 3 cm and minor axis I cm. The "false epilepsy" referred to in the patent, probably is the result of Mr. himizu's limited research and confusion on the sub ect of electroshock therapy. s Needless to say electrodes must be correctly positioned on the head before convulsions can be produced.. His 2device cannot do this. -The basic resemblance of the device to a conventional pistol might cause an armed, nervous assailant into a defensive position, possibly injuring the person with the shocker gun. Conclusions: The device invented by Mr. Shimizu will not supply incapacitating energy to disarm or disable a man. Disadvantages of the device are: 1. Possibility of5 bfinding, bodily harming or killing the victim. 2. Limited. range due to friction, air drag and energy required to arm projectile. 3. Incomplete incapacitation of victim due to low volume of tissue subject to paralysis. 4. Basic resemblance to a conventional pistol. p 3,523,539 1721 inventor Kunio Sliir-iizu 2 -ayi, Nlinaint, 2,805,067 9/1957 Ryan ..................... . .. . . 43/6X 33- 2. 1 -chottic. Asa, 2 2.966,621 1211960 Voll .................. . . . ..... . Sur inamiau. Tok) o, J 2 pi n 23112(E)X 2 113.766 4/1871 Havilind et at ............ 124115 2 1:11 Appi. No. S99,4-46 2,033.397 3/1936 Richman . ....... . ...... . ... 128/303.ISX Dec. 6, 1966 2.516.8S2 8/19250 Kalom ...... 1221 Filed ... . ..... . ...... . 129/303. 1 r.X it5l Patented Aur. 11. 1970 2 2.763.935 911956 Whaley et at . ........... . ... 123/303.18X (321 Priority Dec. 6.1963; Feb. 10, 1966;,%12r. 5, 1966 3.027.333 3/1962 Friedman ...... . .......... . 1281417X Japan (331 FOREIGN PATENTS [311 40174,635; 41/7,409; 41/13,713 476,508 1211952 Italy ....................... 231/2(E) 1541 ARREST DEVICE 2 407,648 3/1934 Great Britain ............ 43/6 9 CLsims, 6 Dra% in.- Figs. [521 U.S. Primary E-rantiner- Richard A. Caudet 2 . . . ...... 128,'404, 124/15,43/6 Assi-itant Era;niner- Channing L. Pace 2 Attorney- Eliot S. Gerber 1511 Int. . ...... .............. A61m 21/00, A6ld7/00.A6lm37/00 12501 Field atscarch .............. . ........... . ............... 4211,84; ABSTRACT: A device for subduin-, a criminal includes a pro. 102/; 128/303.13, 303.18 2 I jectile having two needle electrodes which have different 404.4.17; 273/106.5(D); 231/2E; 4316; 12413. 15 potentials and 2fC 2dapted to 2 pierce the skin. means for 1561 References Cited propelling the projectile at the criminal. and a supply of elec. tric current con2nected to the electrodes. The current is of suf- UNITED STATES PATENTS ficient intensity so that when the projectile strikc,4 the criminal 8,843 3/1852 Souncnburgetal .... ..... 2 4316 andtheelectrodespierechisskin.aralsest2teotepilepsyisin. 2,561.122 7/1951 Juergens ....... . .. . .. 231/2(E) duced, thusrendering the criminal helpless. 2 27 23 21 2G 2 24 2E 23 6 3 122 @28 3,523,538 Patented Aua. 11, 1970 Sheet of 2 FIG. I t9- 2 21 9 FIG. 2 14 17 15 6 13 is 2 10 I lb lid FIG. 3 IZ7 21 2t4 k2O 2 26 25 31 2@ "28 4 FIGO 27 30 23 2 21 Z5 29 8 22 14Y v eV RUVI o Sql,-Ilzel 3 4 77 "7-@ -is P'atcntcd AU"T. Ilt ID70 3,523,533 Sheet of 2 FIG. 5 FIG. 6 0 1144 46 41,4 52 53 43 504 5 @3 52p 40 51 46 41 45 23 26 .4Z .42 6 2z 51 43 44 4 r, 45 51'4!4 4'6 "45 :,I 'f4 IOY 3,523,5 3 8 2 ..:...Arl'EST D--VICE. -incou.s f,22t laycr.(in,:cjd of ..into 1.ic lower pri.or.the subcul )43ns and more pzrticu. -in surface) in o,-.'c.- to cause a temporary false epilcpiy, 7he pgc%cnt invention rt;latcs to we@., the sk hich the police may subdue a criminal. The false ep:lcpsy is effective in rer.L4.trino the criminal firly 11) 2 device wit-@ w prcicnt time the r.%:thads of p!aciiig a violent 'hciplc-ss and )-et is safe, as it uses a relatively small electric Al 0-9 ctilri..Ijl or an itis;jric person und--r arrest may lead to his o2,%,n 5 shock. current. - of tic police or of innocent p;.-rsons. If the In the first embod-mcnt shown in F7CS. I to 4, a piston 3 is injjf). or the injury -@police lh6r guns. th-. criiiiikia2l may be killed or innocent- ..-Ioad@-d (corrprcssed) by a stron.- spring 4. Piston 3 is ri:.cd in b),it3nders shot. If the police atteript to us.: th;.-.r clubs. they a cylindrical air chamber 2, which is fixed to a stock 1. When inal be injured by the criminal when they approach him. The the barrel 5 is rotated (tlirourh a hinge 6) -.vith respect to the use of itir &.is is limited to confined places and rtay only I 0stock 1. the sprine 4 is compresstd by a lever 7. Lever 7 is Clu%c the criminal to at2tack the police. 'ited to boh the stock I and barrel S. The piston 3 is sclcc. similarly, those who wish to protect themselves or their tively released by a triSScr S. Aft,:r the barrel 5 is charged with kol2%lcs rnay hciit-,te to shoot a gun at a criminal because or a bullet 21 @nd the barrel is returned to its original position (cat that they rti2y kill him. For tX2MPIC. the home oviner who and the trio.-er is pulled, the discnoa;ed piston 3 quiclly ad- 2 hicars a burglar now can only attempt to shoot him, if he has aIs - vances. The. piston gives a strong pressure to ti-.r air in tie air sun,or attempt to strike him. if he can approach the burglar. chamber 2 and shoots 2 the bullet 2 1. This type of structure Is It iu the ol,,jcctivc or itc present invenion to provide a known as a spring-type air gun. d@cvi,;e for subluirs crimin@ds %vithout killing or permanently In this embodiment of FIG. 1, the gripp-"2;n-.3 part 9 (handle) wtifinv them. 2,D of the gun is charged with dry cells IO. A switch I IA is opera. tt J3 4 fqtthcr ob,,ectivc of t@e present'L-%v-.rtion that the 2tively connected with the trigger S. Aii -leciric shock current cl@nict;il in3y be terdcrcd helpless without the unsafe accessi. gentratina. device 12 flows the low volt-- go zizr.-:nt of the dry ctl-ninal iiordcr tostrike hir.,%. 2 -cells 10 as an electric shock current of a desired strength lit accordance with the present i.-tvc.-ttion. a bullet-like pro.. avainst the resistance of the human body as the load. jectilc is fired f.-o-n an air gun. Th2e projectile has two protrud. ir.g ctzctrodc ritcd' es which pierce the skin and cake contact 25 An electric circuit diagram of an example of such electric %i,l@% tl%c 4ubcutar--,ous E-.t Layer c&' the skirl The ejectr@-d2as are shock current generator 12 is shown in FIG. 2. In FIG. 2. a cir. cgt-tt-.cied. for cxa-ipfc. through a wire carried a!ono with Lte cuit breaker (vibrator) 13 and a primary coil 15 wound on a 2 coe 14 of a transformer are connected in --cries. A condenzr Cw,,tctitc. to art z!zcrxlatii- source of curreml The Lrrient 'm 16. used for = suppression, is connected in p2arallel -*.t@ the tg'Tiizitnt to stun the criminal to a temporary state of "a 30 contact point of the circuit breaker. An electric shock current czitcrsl. wbL(-,h tclders him hefple= The s.;icck is rat s2uffi- ofad--sired value may be obtained from the secondary coil 17. C%:Iat to tUl or qotrnart-itl@ injure the criminal --by mutua2l irdlction. when a low voltage current flows from -t of the it-.:cnticit utilizes a -ctted mzt=W the cells TO to &.e primary coil 15 and is interrupted by the 2 at7t t:@ t@t cecd!e, clectrod,.s. The m.-cd!cA =d skin area =c br=ker 13. This electric current will pass to a Icai -zire 10. ue-tt@,-d2 -cth a s;eciat chi:mic2t sot.:tion so th2t icss electrical 35 Wir-- '-70 is wound and fixed at one end on a reel 19. The reel c4@--,tat iA ctedcd to produce the desired P-I2TCCL The proiectile 19 is rotatabiv fieted to the stock I through contacts 18. czrrz a t2tt-,r@ a,-td. with the use or SUCII ch=i-ilsotu- M= L2ead W= '.10 is electrically connected at the other end btus.-d-,xithcutwires. with electric shock needles 23. Needles 23, in a pair, are bk ;tr2.-othcr tmbodiment. the ceedles =1 bt,, ser--cdvcly secured to an outside case 2-1 of the bullet projectile ZL A from a hand-carricd de-.fice, 2 4(i ptmrecdve cylinder 24 is provided with small holes Z6 in Qt)ii%z obi-.-,tivts anct features of'thr ;rcscnt ia-.,crtiam will k,*., 2:t-@arcat from LI@t detailed d.-scriptiort whiclt fbilaws ar wtiicfx the electric shock needles 23 are to be firtecl i:ylirtdcr am Z4 is 2fftred ia said outside case = and lazdcd by sprin;; "7. @odiintat. tz@--,m in conjunctica with tbr: acccm-_amiu*l WliemapushrodZSintherearparroftheprorectivecylinder, ant,-dbx Lmmlc=n-. our of the outside cast ZZ. Es ;rushed against the rcrereict numerals. 2 4* f;-,L-- of the spring Z7. a projection 29 firred to tliz protective la. th t draw in,-z cylu7dcr Z4 enpgci 2wi th a rects i 30 izL the o u Es i de c3sc:. due gtfz& t la 4 in4strv-,@--;t Srst cm,.bodlm=t zcmmcdln- tm thm tm &sprin.- ZS. The tip parts 2or the cfectric shock needles hfcrcfrrthe-protecdvecylinder. t i;t a. cv-@A-scg:tionetL &ercrat sidz view of m sg=:iar lle2=-P tZp-- zi:- 13z--bunetZL will be projected in L5is state ourattht airt-4n E-tlZ, Z i-- @x c@mit 4!2rram of'the elcznc shoci@ =zr= mT& will f2Ty while playing the lead wi:-c ZO out of ti.e. rr.--l 19. '%Ub= thr- bullet ZI hits a cr-..ijr.;il, the protective cylir,6er 24 vip C-Xt2njrctpm- wilr L@-- disemipged =d will rctmat due to the fame ef the -ar.-c=ss-stziahal'sid- -w.%cz =..T.Imclecuicshockneed2lcsZ3wilibeexposed(asin t gro- SpTlrm m @,t),mTdwiU be- pushed into the body of the crimirml. At C-IJZ& I znd- (t zrt cro--s-s=ionctL sidr- vitwi. of'm 50et this momwr- = electric current from the generiz!jyg device 4 vqp-nd: er,-,bo4j'ment of-thc p 2 resr--.t inv4wtio-r. =it 1'-"'wilLiTavxinto the-body of the criminal through th-- eadwire FIC.S..3.:and-.I@.respcctiveJy. antt dm- eje=ric shock needles 23. Thr- criminal will fall 7JIctci=Tic--rrt@iist2mr--arthatskirr or--the:h%L=zrbrod)L 4x- ii2to-thr-,=tr-of.Ltr-npor2ry false epilepsy =d will be able to 2 st-tzand-thtsiz=of ttccort=surface- &z bmc-sily arrtste& Li,-rcsist-an%,zinsidtth=body is saidnz Frre=mbly, many spearhe2d-shaped projections 31 am b-- 5,,7@ Z oh ns, Thtstrer,,,,t trof thceicciric;d sholLAC. rorrneaarrtheautersurface of thr- bulleth=d. These projec- to.- OM, streftgttt of-' 44t clcctrir- =rr=:: p-assir.-c_- tiom n ur- of'a soft elastic material sa that the bullet may It-.-,Ikbth--.hur.-t-n-body s4zthar.,cvmirthe voltagt-is hi&h an& =sily_ stick. ta the- clothing and not fall dowrt. rmr=by in 2 L-ie@nad--rra@r For-r--a,-tple- iir. 6LT ard=to rr-=ver the lead wire 20 and the bullet into the reel currencof Lhtcoriric;rjal fraruenl-f. L9@ aswitcjr 2Ub is SCL An electric motor.Ni. contained irr the a-considerable p-airrwill brtrdt. stock r- rotates the reel 19 and winds up, tlitt lead wire. As no v-@t.'I@@,,@out:f,-r.,1,3..Or.current;,arrunbt2f3bir-p:iitrwill L-ef@lt. =plmivc. is "-td and there is no stron); c.,cplosive: sound. in- Lm-nvl.ta. =cent hys=dcxs are not frish tcred. fft0ve-2wit,'r2VmA, and adzn2er of'clcctric-sl-ock d-.uttrwill bt 7Cr The- second embodiment is shown irr FICS. S and'6. Al is c3used with 50 mA. Such electric s@.ocks have been already evident from the drawinr,,2s, it is the same as in the first embodi- utilized for a special therapy (so-called electric shock ment in some respects. Niany spearhcad-shap;:d projections 2 -icr on Y) in the treatment of p5,ychosis. The present invention 31. of a soft elastic material. are formed closely togct' glilizr5. the. electric. shoc@.. effect and flows an e-',-ciric shock the- a-iter surluce of a bullet head , I at the tip o2r a bullet 4aufj!.It tilroukh thc.@um:irt@L-ody. Apuirof ntedlesarr-push'LLJ 7'y cyjinjcr 40. In this embodime.-%t. die cf;.-,Iric source crlls and 4 7: 7-,- 523,538 3 -4 Lbe electric shock- current gencratin,& device zrt contained in a Only preferable cribodimt:nts accordin- to the present 2 in. cc nt3iner 50. The cont-iiner So is inserted into the bullet vcntion ha% c been 5!.own above' Ffowcvcr.*Clcn if any alterna. cylinder 40 and then a cover 42 is 2pplied. tion or modification is mad,: within the scope of 2the appended -E--ch of the c!.-citic shock- nec@ll" 23. in a pair. is f'attcd in- claims. it will not deviate from the subject matter of the -t!ie bullet head @'D so as to be reiililndy pressed on the flange-5 present invention. ahzpc2d base part 44 by a spring 45. %%'hen the Lullet head 41 of I claim. the projectile hits a criminal. the container -'O in t@z bullet 1. In a device for subduino a criminal in:ludino a projector --cyrtnder 40 still zdvances. due to it-. ircrtia, z-oinst the force and a ptojec,.ilc, th2e improv,@ent in the projcctila comprising of the spring 43. The output ter..niials 51 w;ich ire at dif- a body. two needle electrodes adapted to pierce the skin. said to n c base parts 44 of the cle2c- ccd!c electrodes bein'Z normally concealed within said body. terent polarities wUl collide with th tric shock cecdlcs and cuse the ciectric shec'- nced!cs 23 to means for concealing said two needle electrodes insile of the 2 project out of the small holes 26 r.%2de in the bullet head 41 front face of said body before the projectile hits the criminal a-ainst the forces of the springs 45. The tips of the electric and for projecting the said two needle electrodes outside of shock needles 23 will be pusl-ed into the body of the criminal the front f2ci- of said body due to inertia only when the projec- and. at the moment. the criminal will fall into a state Ora tem- 15 Lilt hits the criminal. and passages through which said two 'TECL needle electrodes are concea2led and pro,,ccted, and 2 supply -por2ry fal!e cpilpsy due to the et=tric shock c. Further. in this embodiment. each electric s!:ock needle 13 of clcctric current of sufricient intensity to induce false issurrounded by acotionorsponge body 46 ir.-pr2en-ted with epilepsy. said supply being connected to said needle clec- a ch.-mical solution. The surface of tic electric s@ock needle- trades. 23 i-- -,I,.vayswet with asolution. clcc,,ric shock needles 20 2. A device for subduina a criminal incit2.-ding a projectile 23 are pushed into the human body. the chemical will also havina two needle electrodes adapted to pierce the skin. enter the muscle. Preferably. this c.':emical makes the electric means to propel the projectile and a supply of electric current current easy to flow in t.2$ie human body. A sma!l electric shock of sufficient intensity to induce falc epilepsy, said supply current may have the same effect as a large electric shock cur- being a battery in the propelling means and being connected itnt and wiU itself paralyze the rnx:scle. A pre2erred example 25 to the needle electrodes by wires. m I wherein chemical solution is an aqueo" solution of strychnine 3. A device for subduing a criminal as irL C12i af th- 2 L-ilL -Ms salt is of rine white crystals and has the property of the projectile has gripping means on its front face for sticking -.-bcinv slishtly dissolved in water. It hu been conventionally to clothing. tl-ed as a medicine. 2 4. A device for subduina a criminal as in Claim 3 wherein A prol@.-ction S3. resiliently pressed by a sprin- 52, is pro- 30 the said gri;pin- means are soft plastic hooks. a vid.-d on the ;crip@ c=l wall of the container 40. iroj-.ctio2n 53 S. A device Fr subduina a criminal as in Claim I wherein engages in a recess 43 on the inside wall of the bullet cylinder said electric current supply is a battery wit@in said projectile. 40 when the electric shock needles 23 have be;:a prol.-cted to. 6. A device for subduirg a criminal as is Claim I whe2rein Lb.-ir max--=um. and keep the needles pushed OUL said electric supply is a battery in the pro;clling means and is Further. the spearhead-shzped projections 31 will stick to 35 connected to the needles by wires. Oe cfol'iin- so that the bullet may not 2 fall down. After the -1 as in Oaim I and also 7- A device for subduing a crimin- 'et is taken ofr and it i:s induding awetchemical solution an said niedlc& crimL2W has been arrested. the but, =or-.Iy struck on the bottom p= or the bullet cylinder with S. A dcvi= for subduing a crirtinal as in Claim 7. wherein tLe bullet head directed upw=d. Tne proi.-=ion 53 wM said solution is a solution of strychnine SAIL 2 b-=me cesengaged and the container 50 and the electric 40 9. A device as in Claim I and also including means to adjust sbmkc=dlcs23wiIlrcttL-mtotlcircri.-inalpositio= the extant of projection of the said needle& 2 .45 so 33 m