DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WEL PUBLIC >2p1>2p4>1pEA>1pLTH SERVICE >2pN>2pa>2pd>2pe>2pa>2pd >2pl>2pw>2pd>2pt>2pf>2pat>2pe -of >2pM>2pe>2po>2pt>2pw >2pU>2p.>2p.>2pk>2pk 12 >2pPebrua>2p:rv A>1pd>2pdi>2pc>2pd>2po>2pg>2pk >2pIt>2ps>2pt>2po>2pr>2pc>2ph Ce>2pw>2pw>2p' V.& >2pP>2pu>1pb>2pl>2pi>2pc Health >1pSe>2pr>2pvi>2pes >2pMo>2ps>1ppi>2pu>2pl Lexington,2 >2pK>2pe>2pnt>2packy >1p'>2pi>2p,>2p,>2pPre>2pt>2piit>2pti t>2p,>2p'>2p,>>2pi>2pT>1p.>2p,ofax co>1pn>2ples of >2p->2pna>2p->2p.>2p@>2pe >1pr>1ps >2pt>2p)>2pv >2pn >2pi >2pi>2pt>2pis t Dr. E. >2pKuina ai >2pFnd his associates, r>1p. >2pP>2p@uma>2p.>2p,>2p,a >2p1>2p, visited us and k>1pindlv allowed its to repro>2p2cluc>1p.e t>2pl>2pl>2p;>2p?se papers. You probabl>2p->2p@>2p.>2pr have t>2phe older papers a>2plfaila>2pble to >2p->2pjo>2pi>2pi>1p, but one of t>2phose reproduced -- >2pI>2pl>2pk>2p,>2p@>2p'europharmac>2pt>2p.>2p)>2pIo>2pr>2p,>2p,ical Studies on a >2pl>2p@>2p!e>2pv>2pi Series of Er>1pnot >2p,>2p">2p%>2pIkaloids>1p: >2pP>2p->2p.>2p'>2pL>2p3>2p,>2p-mo>1p- cla>2p%rine as a Potent >2p2Analeptic on >2pRe>2pterpine>1p-Se>2pdation>1p" has not ve>2pt>1p'>2p. been published. Data in the paper are so>2pm>2p@>2p,>2p->2pv>2p,hat confusin>2pa and appear to contradict so>2pr>2pne of the state>2pr>2p@>2p.ents made. Th>2pis>1p'howe>1pl>2pier may be due to the authors difficulty with >2pZ>2p-nglis>2pl>2pi>1p. I as>1pl>2pied Dr. >2pKu>2pmaCal to try to-make available some of th2e >2pA>2pr>2p->2p->2p'>2pLY and its dehydrogenated con>2p@ener DAG when he returned>2p,to Japan. He indica>2p4>2p4>2p,>2p-ed t>2pi>2pl>2plat >2ph>2p8 could a>1p.rrange this through the p>2p'>2pA>2p@>2p,>2pLar>2pr>1poaceut>2pical com>2p->2pnany>1p. r It was pleasant to see vou in >2p'>2p@>2p@>2plashin>2pnton and I am. loo>2pt>2pting forward to the 2receipt of ac>2pidit>2pional material for testing. Yours verv s>2pincerel>2pl>2pi Harris Isbell, M. D.. 'Director HI>1p:>2plw Enclos>2pt>2pires 7>2p,>2p@