September 23, 1950' Harris Isbell, ?,I.D., Director Addiction Research Center National Institutes of Nlental Health U.S. Public i-iealch Ser@,,ice Hospilt-lal 2 Box 2000 Lexington, Kentucky Dear Dr. Isbell: The information. which I promised you is as follovlrs: Toxicity: In the -.notise, by I. P. roule, t'.-i- LD 2 - 5,) mg g. In the dog, I.V. roul.-e, it i--@ 100 The trarouil-.Z- ing dose for the do,7 by-the 1. V,. routa, is O@o, n,.z-11 2 Tiie co@--,.Dou-,Id prodices'mic.-:,is, bt-.@. often one can ol)se.-ve riydri---,s@.s. '.In the barbiltaiizzd dog, 1-@,raGydard-.a is produced at a o@ 0. 1 r.- I.V. T,ii.s resronsei'z nol.- bi- cli-.-'ed by 07io,,- al*ropir.;.zation or This b.--adycirdia is a'As,,) p.-c-rn.i-.ient in the ir,6-act, u-tanestiletized a,-il,-,al even at a lo-,ver dose. Hypotherr,,nia is prominent folio-.wincf I I. V., in @h.- docr. The body temperature L'.@llls 4 to 'I degrees C. 24 hours and gradually retur,-is 'lo nor=...-at over -a several day 2 At ti-l,- dose level of 100 rr.-r/k- s,--vere diart,hca is prczluced L-1 'ke dog. f lie ni.ctitati.-I,,--l -nerrbrane of the do,-- has a pure in- 2 4 -1 L t; -d rc."azcc, '-.ti "-s wo n ".. 1 4 -@.L L J. UA." -e. Et:; i.,I- it z,--duc3s ti-4-- ro!- cen-@i-al outfla,,, s'nc-2- t a it a charactoristic r::,,ic b'- 'na 'o drug does not e-.