Receipt is- h -eyeby acknowledged of the following: Ca shier' s Che-c-k No. -Z@, OZ3170,- dat-ed A&il -24, 1961, i@n the arnoutit of @15, 000. 00, draw-n o th 13 -INTERNAL [i @ @@ - (] @ [1---@UNCLASSIFIED MLY @RiT RECORD SHEE17:7@@- 2 itoUTINO AND SUSJECT. topfiorql) NO@ TO- (Ofr@c*r n4;mber-ancL-- DATE 7- 2 (ffiCE445 -COMMENT t"sow-ffqm TA*m lNtTIMS wbom@ RECE-,Vfo@@ FOITWARDEO c 2. 3. 2 DQFVI,:;QIEiITTFIC --ADVIS ATTN: Dr. -00r=l F(- 9. 12. 13. 14. IN UNCLASSIFIED- 0 I "Css 610",FA'T'i CONFIDENTIAL____ U E-ONLY---- -sz $EC CONF.""@tNTIAL 'UNCLA@SIFIED'@. ROUTING AND 2 RECORD SHE-ET-- SUBJECT: lopr@0-1) NO. fitom.- IRB DATE ..21 De -,l!!)60 2 cemoe r d#%;gr4t!on@ foom rtuff4w. ar4 DATE officits TO-. (OTK- COMKNTS (Numbot each cc@mm4ml f* 11'ow fro2in wttom twildir-g) W@,DLM. Ota@W@ a linq *cross cotumn CM*t ffalwo Drr. Gott ieb 'I IV/ - 2. 2 AP 3. AC/T;3D/R&D 0 C/TSD.ftiOS;3 6. Chief, Fin"ce Divisil@ll 23o6 Aloott Ha 7. I2 0. @2: 13. T4. 15. FORM E] INTERNAL UN(LASSIFIED RET' CONFIDENTIAL USE ONLY 5 S. G pl a rm@ oyfxzt %,;so 0 -416T.%k -bgrojeot -331- Ur-,Ie.-- tb@@ auti., lrt t'r"-e- 13 A;reil-19', o. fth-l-.3 OL <>v,1-r-aLl. PI,.<>iect )--C!,@Lrr, fu-rA-, b-%VA- bfe@l obligcte@l tO COVOR 3902* -LIS Orig. 2 D- 19 Dederber@ -@1960 T." FCP@ -TIB OC@3e'&,5Lni rim-icp- Divirion the 2 e@atel 13 PPrl"- f th@@l Ir-I to t i.!e i,, r,-/,@ @@t4hh@ion t-%,,, i n sub- Sxk-oro2j--Ola@ bas L-een o 1; --A- arA _413 ooo_.OOE:__@ of tre fun-is h V b i 4 t I a t t @@,l t qcover th@- e-xvzws3 -0b;a- 39WO Date, DP- TiM kr4 (i Ti, T-@lk tl-,6er tlla a,-,At-ed la 19r-- 2 !)C! to ext@i@, iiLO00*00 of tpe ova- al-I if7 have be"---.% obli@ea@ed to COVP@R tl!e 39W#' 0 e C 6).- C h' D,.-wa C h -C" 'the g:@aPte-l- in the 13 tfi..@ the T@-r,,/ -ar -this -In clib- tew,;ion ti-e ov,-,--aLL 8 P-u-bpiL-ojectla ft-gei-vzeg- be F 'e O' ",I @ll (Y F--Ol Date,, Cr,-ia. & 2 ao aee IL---TSD#AW