DISCLAIMER The following is a staff memorandum or other working document prepared for the members of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. It should not be construed as representing the final conclusions of fact or interpretation of the issues. All staff memoranda are subject to revision based on further information and analysis. For conclusions and recommendations of the Advisory Committee, readers are advised to consult the Final Report to be published in 1995. MEMORANDUM TO: Members of the Santa Fe Small Panel FROM: Advisory Committee Staff DATE: January 24, 1995 RE: Materials related to the uranium miners Enclosed please find the following documents: Tab C-1 Staff memorandum: Background on uranium mine studies (January 24, 1995) This memo briefly discusses the uranium mine studies and includes a staff-generated timeline of significant events related to radon in the uranium mines. Tab C-2 Chronology prepared by Duncan Holaday in 1964, attached as an exhibit to Mr. Holaday's sworn deposition in Begay v. United States taken on March 19, 1986 This chronology is an account of the events related to radon in the uranium mines. Tab C-3 Excerpt from a staff memorandum provided to the Advisory Committee in Briefing Book No. 7, Tab J, "Overview of Radiation Exposure Compensation Programs" (October 4, 1994) and full copy of the Begay opinion This excerpt discusses the Ninth Circuit's decision in the Begay v. United States case brought on behalf of the uranium miners. Tab C-4 Excerpt from a staff memorandum provided to the Advisory Committee in Briefing Book No. 7, Tab J, "Overview of Radiation Exposure Compensation Programs" (October 4, 1994) This summary explains the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act of 1990 (RECA), which includes provision for compensation to uranium miners meeting specified requirements. If you are interested in any other documents related to the uranium mine studies or have any questions please email or call Faith Weiss at (202) 254-3076.