
  1. Staff Memo: Documentary Update on Human Experimentation/Data Gathering in Connection with Atomic Bomb Tests
  2. Attachment: Memo: Office of the Secretary of Defense
  3. Attachment: Indoctrination of Personnel in Atomic Warfare Operations
  4. Attachment: Positioning of Troops at Atomic Weapons Tests
  5. Attachment: Positioning of Troops at Atomic Explosions
  6. Attachment: Letter: To Honorable C. Durham, House of Representatives
  7. Attachment: Disposition Form Excersise Desert Rock V
  8. Attachment: Status of Human Volunteers in Bio-Medical Experimentation
  9. Attachment: DOD Research & Development Board 16th Meeting
  10. Attachment: Memo: Fall-out Studies
  11. Attachment: Letter: To G. Lyon
  12. Attachment: Letter: To General Lopor, Armed Forces Special Weapons Department
  13. Attachment: Nuclear Radiation Handbook, 3/25/57
  14. 8bb01: 2-E, Routing Slip With Handwritten Note
  15. 8bb02: 6-B, Maintenance of Records of Radiological Exposures
  16. 8bb03: 7, Air Density Graph w/Equations
  17. 8bb04: 7, AFSWP Equations pg. 12
  18. 8bb05: 7, AFSWP Equations pg. 13
  19. 8bb06: 7, Gamma Ray Doses, pg. 18
  20. 8bb07: 7, Fig 2.2:1 The LD For Dogs for Bilateral Radiation, pg. 20
  21. 8bb08: 7, Fig 2.2:2 First Collision Neutron Rep Curve for Tissue, pg. 22
  22. 8bb09: 7, Fig 2.2:3 Theoretical Depth Dose Curves, pg. 23
  23. 8bb10: Comparative Depth Doses, pg. 25
  24. 8bb11: 7, Fig. 2.2:5 Beta Gamm Ratio at 1 Meter Above Earth's Surface, pg. 26
  25. 8bb12: 7, Fig. 2.4:1 Penetrating Radiation Syndrome, pg. 28
  26. 8bb13: 7, Fig. 2.4:3 Correlation Between Human Mortality & White Blood Count, pg. 30
  27. 8bb14: 7, Fig. 2.5:1 Predicted Shortening of Life Span, pg. 33
  28. 8bb15: 7, Fig 2.7:1 Calculating the Effective Dose, pg. 36
  29. 8bb16: 7, Fig 2.7:2 Ratio of the Physical Dose & the Effective Dose