
  1. Overview of the Briefing Book
  2. Reading Roadmap
  3. Tab B Advisory Committee Roster and Subcommittee Roster
  4. Tab C Advisory Committee Staff Roster, Bios, & Project Assignments
  5. Tab D Meeting Timetable, Report Deadlines and Locations
  6. Tab E Reports & Proposals From Subcommittees
  7. Tab F Early History (1940's and 1950's)
  8. Tab G Ethics Data Collection & Follow-Up
  9. Tab H Total-Body Irradiation: A Preliminary Narrative
  10. Tab I "Markey Report" Experiments
  11. Tab J Staff Memo: List of Intentional Releases
  12. Tab K Memoranda Concerning Sampling of Experiments
  13. Tab L Background Materials: Contemporary Radioactive Drug Research
  14. Tab M Risk Estimates: Preliminary Timeline of Dose Limits
  15. Tab N Background Materials: An Epidemiological Perspective
  16. Tab O Background Material
  17. Tab P Public Comment Period