- Staff Memo: Fallout Data Collection
- Report on Project Gabriel, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, July, 1954
- 7/31/53: Letter from E.H. Plesset to Dr. F. Western
- Letters following the 1953 Conference that the AEC Studied Baby Bones
- 12/5/56: Letter from T.L. Shipman to Dr. C.L. Dunham
- 12/16/54: Memo. from the Chief of the AFSWP re: Animal Sampling
- Staff Memo.: Transcript of Debate on the Need for Military-Purpose Human Experimentation
- Undated Transcript of Debate on the Need for Military Purpose: Human Experimentation
- Staff Memo.: CIA Documents Describing Human Radiation Experiments
- CIA Memo Concerning MKULTRA Subproject 86
- CIA Memo dated 5/29/63 describing Subproject 140
- 3/30/65: Letter from Dr. J. Hamilton Concerning Research under MKULTRA Subproject 140
- 2/7/95 Letter from Ruth Faden to the Acting CIA Director
- Update on VA Confidential Atomic Medicine Division/Secret Record Keeping on Radiation Exposure
- 1/12/95: ACHRE Staff Request 011295-M: In Anticipation of Liability Claims
- 1/12/95 Memo re: Review of Effort to Identify Involvement with Radiation Exposure of Human Subjects
- 1/17/95 New Release "VA Inspector General Concludes Radiation Records Search"
- 1/23/94 Memo on Follow-up of Response, Request ACHRE# 112394-A
- Staff Memo: Army Review of Original Contract Proposal Submitted by Dr. Saenger
- Dr. Saenger's Application for a Research Contract, dated 9/28/58
- Review of Saenger's Application by Army Officials
- Memo dated 11/12/58 to Col. Hullinghorst Recommending the Support of Saenger's Contract
- Memo dated 10/29/59 from D. Lambert on Allotment of Funds for Contract with Univ. of Cincinnati
- Memo dated 4/18/49 Describing NIH Review of FRC and Rejection of Grants on Moral Grounds
- 11bb45: Air Filter Samples During the Spring Tests (Table 1)
- 11bb46: Infinity Dose (RADS) Subsequent to Fallout
- 11bb47: Counting Equipment Developed for Project SUNSHINE
- 11bb48: Sr and CA Metabolism (Appendix B)
- 11bb49: Sr and Ca Metabolism (Appendix B cont'd)
- 11bb50: Sr and Ca Metabolism (Appendix B cont'd)
- 11bb51: Sr-89, 90 Activity of Animals and Animal Products (Appendix C)
- 11bb52: Experimental Data on Radioactive Strontium Toxicity
- 11bb53: Experimental Data on Radioactive Strontium Toxicity (cont'd)
- 11bb54: Experimental Data on Radioactive Strontium Toxicity (cont'd)
- 11bb55: Routing and Control Sheet